jesus said pray in this way our father.....Isaiah 9:6 however fortold that the savior would be called "wonderful counsler, mighty God, ETERNAL FATHER,".......Jesus in John 20: states not yet for I have not yet accended to the Father .....and when he did pray to the Father it was on our behalf or that he may be restored to the former Glory he had with the Father. JW teach that Jesus earned whatever Glory he has now after he was obedient to the point of death but Jesus in prayer shows he already existed in Glory and forsook it on our behalf! so reniaa if you want to get Hung up on Cross or Pole and miss out on an opprotunity to have a personal relationship with the Eternal Father through Jesus Christ then so be it! im glad you are spending so much time on here preaching your message to those that have heard and rejected it already. that way you wont catch one of the elect at a weak moment with this Crap!
babel on
JoinedPosts by babel on
Jesus not crucified on torture stake. Impossible!
by sacolton inunwittingly the germans, during wwii, they experimented with many, many ways for killing people, efficiently and quickly.
their records show that when a person is suspended with their hands over their head, as they would be on the jw "torture stake," they can survive for approximately one hour.
if their feet are tied down, as well, the time is reduced to about 15 minutes.. .
Did anyone in your congregation have "perfume allergies"?
by BonaFide inover the years, in the congregations i have been in, there have been 4 different people with "perfume or cologne allergies.
anyway, they would always sit in the library, and at the bookstudy some years ago one sister would sit outside and comment through the window!
another sister would sometimes wear a white "surgical" mask in the hall.. the congregation i am attending now has a sister like that.
babel on
i used to get really dizzy and sick when i smelled the porta pottys at the quickbuilds, so i guess i was allergic to crap huh!
oh and how about at the conventions at lunch time! tuna fish, chicken salad a hundred different food containers oppening at once......gross, somebody spray some perfume
May 15th WT- " Wife's Dedication to Jehovah more Important than Marriage "
by flipper ini wanted to make just a thread for this statement of mind control as it was very blatant .
in the may 15th witness only wt under the article "husbands, imitate christ's love !
" it states, " if you are a christian husband, remember that your wife is also your christian sister.
babel on
the three cords are God you and your mate! it has nothing to do with the elders!
Jesus not crucified on torture stake. Impossible!
by sacolton inunwittingly the germans, during wwii, they experimented with many, many ways for killing people, efficiently and quickly.
their records show that when a person is suspended with their hands over their head, as they would be on the jw "torture stake," they can survive for approximately one hour.
if their feet are tied down, as well, the time is reduced to about 15 minutes.. .
babel on
the appostles and all the first century christians didn't feel the need to were a miniture death instrument around their necks
this I feel we would never know for sure, but that the cross was a powerful symbol to early Christians and what that type of death meant for mankind is proven in 1 Cor. 1 18(for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God). can you not see here that the cross (object) was synonomous with the message of christ. It is apparant that by at least the time Paul was writing to the corinthians the church had begun using the cross or Pole as their symbol. It was not worshipped, it was the logo much like the Tower is used to identify the watchtower group! When you see a cross today you think Christian. (unless your JW and then you think Pagan)jeeze
The Rapid oncoming time of the end part 1
by Homerovah the Almighty into the student of ignorance and fear mongering : regarding your proclamation of the end times.. the point is the select signs of the times of the gt as written in the bible could be placed well in any moment of human history.
for last 2000 years and even be placed with greater accuracy in the middle ages, so when someone reads information from apocalyptic religious.
cults like the jws who are trying to superimpose fear into people so they will react in the way they want them to react, hence it pays to analise.
babel on
seriously.......Get help!
Did anyone in your congregation have "perfume allergies"?
by BonaFide inover the years, in the congregations i have been in, there have been 4 different people with "perfume or cologne allergies.
anyway, they would always sit in the library, and at the bookstudy some years ago one sister would sit outside and comment through the window!
another sister would sometimes wear a white "surgical" mask in the hall.. the congregation i am attending now has a sister like that.
babel on
jehovahs witnesses do not usually seek therapy but if more did i suppose that there would be a connection made between the weak mind that is capable of accepting the mind control theology with the weak mind that accepts that the body is sick when its not. every Jw i know has chronic fatigue, fibro mialgia(no spell check) perfume allergies, depression or some other bizarre illness that i never hear of anymore since leaving. im not saying they do not exist but the numbers are to high per publisher. The church i attend there are 300 members and i only know of one that claims to have fibro mialgia. the average kingdom hall has 120 publishers and im not going to tell you think about how many you remember. Truly Bizarre..
ironicly JW's will project this negative attitude on the world around them being far removed from the reality of it, for instance....
Publisher..Good morning Have you ever noticed theres so much sickness in the world. Poverty is rampan, people are depressed..everyday scientist are dicovering new illnesses(like fibro myassa and chronic lazyness) have you ever hoped for a new and better world!
Householder.....Why yes I have, but unfortunantly your organization still exist
Worldly Mannerisms That Dubs Avoids
by Yizuman ini know some mannerisms to avoid such as when someone sneezes, dubs don't say, "bless you" or "god bless you" for sacrilious reasons.. so the question is, what worldly mannerisms do dubs avoid?.
babel on
this is the typical much to do about nothing that the watchtower uses to exalt itself self rightously above others. rather than chivalry contributing to the breakdown of the home front, idiots like this have removed it and paved the way for the hip hop "bithces and ho's" crap that our women are subjected to today. Being from the south, and a self proclaimed southern gentleman, I want my son to Go to the Citadel an elite military academy that you guessed it, teaches to tip your hat and rise when a lady enters the room.
Watchtower......go to Hell
Worldly Mannerisms That Dubs Avoids
by Yizuman ini know some mannerisms to avoid such as when someone sneezes, dubs don't say, "bless you" or "god bless you" for sacrilious reasons.. so the question is, what worldly mannerisms do dubs avoid?.
babel on
raising a toast (after it was determined it was pagan)
wearing football jerseys (violent sports)
playing paintball (acting out war)
facial hair (unless its a pedophile looking mustache)
Have you joined a new religious organisation since leaving the JW's?
by Wee John insince leaving the jw's did you actively seek out another organisation, or did it find you?.
have you found yourself apathetic to all religions?.
babel on
started attending churches about 2 years ago...Baptist,Methodist,non denom, ended up comingt back to Baptist. It just suited me best. The author C S Lewis was raised a christian, became atheist and was called by spirit. I truly believe your on your journey and He will call you when your he's ready. You just have to be listening. good luck
May 15th WT- " Wife's Dedication to Jehovah more Important than Marriage "
by flipper ini wanted to make just a thread for this statement of mind control as it was very blatant .
in the may 15th witness only wt under the article "husbands, imitate christ's love !
" it states, " if you are a christian husband, remember that your wife is also your christian sister.
babel on
I mean, they write this stuff for an 8 year old mentality !
I mean ,I think it takes an 8 year old mentality to believe it!